Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cinema in Turkey

Lincoln Center is about to start showing 29 movies from Turkish Cinema (April 27-May 10). Rasit Celikezer who has made several movies including "Can" (2011, shown at the Sundance Festival where it received the "World Cinema Dramatic Prize for Artistic Vision") describes the series and the showing of his movie in the series here In the link to the Lincoln Center series, the title of the movie identifies the date it was released with the director so anyone might be able to find these movies in Netflix or online or in a local video store. There's also a free panel discussion on April 29th at 2.45pm on Turkish Cinema today. For a general overview of Cinema of Turkey, see this article.

Our local video store here in Chelsea, Alan's Alley, has several movies from the director Fatih Akin. These include "Heads-On" (2003, also titled "Gegen Die Wand") and "Crossing the Bridge--the Sound of Istanbul" (2005). I know local video stores vary in their holdings.

1 comment:

  1. For those in NY, or other major cities, there are Turkish Cultural Centers which have events, courses, exhibits, etc.

    For New York City:
